Here’s how we can help...
We provide professional consulting services based on the principles for Applied Behavior Analysis. These services typically include:
- Provide behavioral recommendations, strategies and support based on our extensive expertise
- Participation in Meetings or Processes Planning for IEP Transitions and Placements
- Collaboration with Other Professionals
- Conduct initial and ongoing assessments, and analyze data
- Conduct group and individual training to support staff who encounter challenging behaviors
- Behavior Consulting for behavioral challenges and issues
Child Care Providers
Supporting providers in daycare, nanny services, preschools, and respite settings.
Pediatric Health Care Providers
Pediatric health care professionals, including Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physical Therapists (PTs), Music Therapists, and more.
IEP advocacy, training, consulting, and support for parents, guardians, tutors, educators, and administration.
Medical Professionals
- Dentist
- Primary Care Physicians
- Psychologist/Psychiatrist, etc.